Symbol for virgo


Aug 23 - Sep 22The VirginEarthMercury

Virgo is the practical and analytical perfectionist of the zodiac. They possess a keen eye for detail and excel in organizing and problem-solving. Virgos are reliable friends and are always willing to lend a helping hand.




Relying on someone else to bring stability to your life could seem comforting at this time. However, perhaps they’re not as happy with the role as you think they are. They may resent being cast in the role of the heavy who reins you in and rains on your parade. You might need to put in the work to tell yourself a new, empowering story. Freedom to make your own choices can be scary, but it’s necessary if you want to escape your current patterns.

Your Week In Love

Frisky feelings may lighten your heart throughout the week. Your sense of desire is extremely connected to your overall health, so if your well-being has been out of whack, it potentially affected your libido more negatively than you'd like to admit. Thankfully, this week you'll probably notice that everything is not only in working order again, but you've genuinely got your groove back in a way that's somehow "new and improved." You might have tried an alternative healing modality to restore wellness or to balance hormones (if that has been an issue). Either way, you'll be glad to have your mojo back. You go, Virgo!

Your Next 30 Days

Your romantic prospects are gleaming in February, so don't hesitate to make the most of it! With Venus in your romance sector until February 16, you have every opportunity to meet someone new and start a grand love affair if you're single. In fact, pay attention to any developments on February 13, as Venus makes a gorgeous sextile to Neptune, which is in your partnership sector. Even if you're already paired up, you and your beloved can likely look forward to an enchanting Valentine's Day that may feel like Valentine's Week!

That said, if you're looking for a new job, there is potential after the February 9 New Moon -- but it comes with a catch. For instance, you could get an offer but discover that you'll need to take an extensive training course to secure the job. It'll be a nuisance, but if you really want it, you can make it happen.

Last but not least, a Full Moon in your sign on February 24 has you wearing your heart on your sleeve. You can speak your mind without worrying about what anyone thinks. Good for you!

Key Themes: dating, pleasure, children, romance, soulmate love, work, jobs, training, certification, emotions

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