Symbol for gemini


May 21 - Jun 20The TwinsAirMercury

Gemini is the curious and versatile communicator of the zodiac. Represented by the twins, they possess a dual nature, which makes them adaptable, witty, and social butterflies. Geminis love to learn and are skilled at seeing both sides of any situation.




A domineering authority figure could be holding you back at the moment. They may appear to get a kick out of seeing your vulnerability in relation to them. Perhaps the best way to deal with this person’s power-tripping attitude is to keep firmly in mind that the world is much bigger than they are. Getting away from them physically would be ideal. If you can’t, though, try to escape within your own mind -- they don’t have control over that!

Your Week In Love

Romance is an adventure, whether you're flying to distant love opportunities or opening your heart to a neighborhood connection. If coupled, you could practically take a magic carpet ride with your lover this week. You might not have an exact destination, but you both know that it's the journey that matters. Venus and Mars will embrace in your 9th House of Expansion on Thursday. This alignment is sure to bring positive vibes to your love life, encouraging growth regardless of relationship status. For instance, if single, you might take a solo adventure and, in your travels, meet the next love of your life.

Your Next 30 Days

Sudden changes in your faith might prove shocking to others -- maybe even to you! A New Moon in your 9th House of Beliefs on February 9 will square erratic Uranus, prompting a radical shift in a spiritual belief or ethical stance. Although seemingly a contradiction, it should feel like you're finally living in your truth. Other people might be shocked because it seems so "not you," but that's not your concern. As long as you're honoring yourself, you're good.

On top of that, get ready for possible sexy developments in your love life mid-month. Venus and Mars first connect to intense Pluto (Mars on February 14, then Venus on February 17) and then embrace each other on February 22. There may be incredible chemistry between you and someone you meet who is from another country or has a background unique from yours. They'll be captivating, even if you aren't looking for a relationship with them.

Lastly, at the Full Moon on February 24, you might finalize a move or learn some emotionally charged news from a relative. Make an effort to be sensitive to your family's needs.

Key Themes: religion, spirituality, exploration, new horizons, academic pursuits, education, home, family

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