Symbol for scorpio


Oct 23 - Nov 21The ScorpionWaterPluto

Scorpio is the intense and mysterious powerhouse of the zodiac. Their emotions run deep, and they are fiercely loyal to those they care about. Scorpios have a magnetic aura that draws people in, but they also value their privacy.




A meeting of the minds could invigorate you now. While the social Moon in your visionary 11th house supports exciting Uranus in your relationship zone, you're capable of finding a companion who makes you think yet also shares a lot of your basic ideals. Unfortunately, the practical details of making your hangout happen in reality will potentially be harder to pin down. Try to put any frustrations you experience in perspective -- with a little patience, you'll get the connection you crave!

Your Week In Love

The discernment of one of your friends might turn into a real saving grace for you in your love life. This pal might be your voice of reason when you're tempted to go off the deep end in the name of love (or what you hope will be love). Your peer will probably see right through the smoke and mirrors and let you know plainly whether or not you're making a practical and workable decision about your love life. They won't let you play the fool! Trust this pal -- even if they say something you don't want to hear. Make an effort to appreciate them for telling you the truth.

Your Next 30 Days

Your domestic life might feel a little chaotic this month -- possibly even unstable. It might be due to one relative's behavior in particular. When a family member decides to rebel against the current family dynamic that everyone else is comfortable with, of course, it's going to cause a problem. Ask yourself if you can find a way to honor this family member's unconventional requirements without compromising your familial security. If you can't, then you may find yourself with a bigger problem on your hands as the month wears on. This might turn into an all-out power struggle by mid-February. Ouch!

Another possibility is that you and your spouse or partner are at odds regarding a living situation. The New Moon in your home sector on February 9 will square radical Uranus in your partnership sector. You both might want more excitement from your living space, but neither of you can agree on how to make that happen.

Contrastingly, one of your greatest hopes might be realized around the Full Moon on February 24. This could be related to your work or health. Don't wait to celebrate!

Key Themes: family chaos, unconventional family, rebellious relatives, relocation, friendship, groups, real estate, instability

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