Symbol for sagittarius


Nov 22 - Dec 21The ArcherFireJupiter

Sagittarius is the adventurous and optimistic explorer of the zodiac. They have a thirst for knowledge, love to travel, and seek the meaning of life. Sagittarians have a contagious sense of humor and are always up for new experiences.




Getting validation from the outside world may appear to be an appealing solution to your present insecurities. Perhaps you’re reacting against a stern and insatiable inner critic. An achievement that makes a difference to others doesn’t have to be anything huge, though. As friendly Venus in your 3rd House of Immediate Environment nudges supportive Jupiter in your responsible 6th house, pay close attention to the people around you. Notice their needs. Do what you can to make their lives easier.

Your Week In Love

A decision about love will require you to use both your head and your heart. This will ensure that whatever you decide, it'll be for the best. Venus and Mars will connect perfectly in your communication sector on Thursday, combining thoughts of love backed up with actionable steps taken to turn that logic into something concrete. This can be anything, from you working up the courage to ask that sexy new neighbor you're crushing on out on a date to you and your sweetheart making a major decision about the direction of your relationship. You know what to do and you won't hesitate to do it!

Your Next 30 Days

You might have a brilliant idea that involves marketing, technology, communications, or sales, but lack the ability to pull it off. A New Moon in your message sector on February 9 opens a window of opportunity. The trouble is that this lunation will square Uranus, the planet of chaos that's living in your work sector right now.

It's possible that colleagues or employees you're relying on to do their part will prove to be unreliable or simply fail to understand how to do what's necessary. You may be frustrated and lack patience, but acting with anger is a quick way to guarantee failure. Instead, regroup. When you have an unusual idea, you need to make an unusual plan to ensure your success.

As the cherry on top, you might find yourself under a lovely spotlight for a professional achievement near the Full Moon in your career sector on February 24. Contrastingly, it could be time for a career transition. Your love life is quieter this month, but brace yourself for an intense decision relating to romance around February 17, when Venus and Pluto connect in your message sector.

Key Themes: inventiveness, brilliance, innovation, technology, lightbulb moments, contracts, communications, career highlights, romantic decisions

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