yellowstone national park

A handful of wolves can be seen romping around wooden walkways as steam rises around them.
The attack comes amid a rise in Montana's grizzly bear population and an increase in sightings.
Amber Harris was recovering from seven fractured vertebrae, collapsed lungs and bruising, when boyfriend Chris Whitehill popped the question.
A bison charged at the woman near lakeside cabins, according to the National Park Service.
Yellowstone National Park rangers attempted to reunite the baby bison with its mother, but were unsuccessful.
The death of a bear protected under the Endangered Species Act has sparked scrutiny from state and federal wildlife officials.
In an earlier terrifying attack, a man intervened after a massive animal knocked down his child.
Beloved national park is facing its biggest challenge in decades after massive flooding.
Heavy rainfall and snowmelt caused devastating flooding through Yellowstone National Park, leaving extensive damage to roads and communities.
Communities bordering Yellowstone National Park are isolated and tourists are stranded after record floodwaters.