
The incident came amid an argument over the boyfriend looking at other women, according to police.
Former pro wrestler Tammy “Sunny” Sytch has been sentenced to more than 17 years in prison for drunkenly colliding with another car and killing a 75-year-old man in Florida last year.
Police have not declared it a hate crime, but the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee wants it investigated as one.
An uncle of one of the students shot in the possible hate crime said it's “hard to imagine” the young men were not targeted.
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee is calling on the police and the FBI to investigate the shooting as a hate crime.
New abuse allegations have been filed against New York Mayor Eric Adams and entertainer Bill Cosby, among a string of others, before the Friday deadline.
Razma Mohammad-Ibrahim and Samim Azizi are accused of murder in the California stabbing death.
Taylor James Johnatakis reportedly argued that he is a "sovereign citizen" and not bound by U.S. law.
Like most mass shootings today, a man deliberately targeted his relatives — including his sisters, his cousin and her 6-year-old daughter.
Harrison Floyd, a Black Voices for Trump leader, was accused of writing a number of threatening social media posts.