
Ivan Zhdanov, the director of Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, made the announcement on his Telegram account.
A somber mood hangs over Ukraine as the war against Russia enters its third year.
The U.S. Treasury Department plans to impose more than 500 new sanctions on Russia and its war machine.
Yulia Navalnaya has pledged to carry on her late husband's cause and slammed Russian authorities this week for refusing to hand over her husband's body.
An official told lawmakers "the FBI regularly receives information from sources with significant potential biases."
She said an official told her, "Time is not on your side, the corpse is decomposing."
The Justice Department said that a key witness in the impeachment probe has had “contact with officials affiliated with Russian intelligence.”
The body of Vladimir Putin's longtime foe is being hidden, his mother alleged.
Prosecutors say a former FBI informant charged with making up a multimillion-dollar bribery scheme had contacts with officials affiliated with Russian intelligence.
The U.S.-Russian dual citizen allegedly donated just under $52 to a Ukrainian nonprofit last year.