Republican Party

Many Republicans who support Nikki Haley say they could never vote for Trump — and it could be a huge problem for his campaign against Joe Biden.
The sketch skewered Sens. Lindsey Graham, Tim Scott, Marco Rubio and Jim Risch.
The former president cruised to victory Saturday, handing Nikki Haley an embarrassing home-state loss and continuing his march to the nomination.
"I’m being indicted for you, the Black population," the former president told a gathering of Black conservatives in South Carolina.
“I got indicted for nothing, for something that is nothing,” Trump told a black-tie event for Black conservatives in South Carolina ahead of Saturday's Republican primary.
The former South Carolina governor campaigned in her home state at events that felt detached from the reality of the GOP. Both Haley and her supporters appear to be putting off the inevitable.
"They want you to say what they want you, what they want to have you say. And we’re not gonna let that happen."
An official told lawmakers "the FBI regularly receives information from sources with significant potential biases."
The Justice Department said that a key witness in the impeachment probe has had “contact with officials affiliated with Russian intelligence.”
“If you have mail-in voting, you automatically have fraud,” Trump told Laura Ingraham.