Reproductive Health

“This is science, Sunny,” Haines told her co-host of "The View."
The state Supreme Court decision that granted embryos the same legal status as children has left fertility patients and providers in an excruciating limbo.
Conservatives are finding out the hard way that sweeping rulings on reproductive rights have sweeping consequences.
The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that embryos are "children" in the eyes of the law, jeopardizing access to IVF for patients in Alabama — and potentially elsewhere.
But he's still going after people who help others travel out of state for an abortion.
"Adding the stress of serious legal repercussions to this IVF process feels downright cruel, particularly when individuals already sacrifice so much along the way."
The decision comes in the wake of a sweeping state high court decision.
Sen. Tammy Duckworth introduced a new bill that would ensure that anyone can access IVF and other fertility treatments without reprisal from their home state.
The case sparked national attention for its implications for pregnant women as states across the country hash out new laws governing reproductive health care access.
These simple steps are crucial for everyone to follow.