
After the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are children, Gov. Gavin Newsom called it a "war on women."
Johnson has said that life begins "from the moment of fertilization," a statement that would appear to include frozen fertilized embryos.
The state Supreme Court decision that granted embryos the same legal status as children has left fertility patients and providers in an excruciating limbo.
Conservatives are finding out the hard way that sweeping rulings on reproductive rights have sweeping consequences.
Last week, a state court decision upended fertility treatment in Alabama and raised questions nationwide.
More in vitro fertilization providers in Alabama have paused parts of their treatment after the state Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are legally considered children.
Alabama Chief Justice Tom Parker indicated on the show he was a proponent of the “Seven Mountains Mandate,” an explicitly theocratic doctrine at the heart of Christian nationalism.
The ruling is "outrageous and unacceptable," President Joe Biden said.
In the span of three minutes, the GOP senator said he was “all for it,” didn’t agree with it, supports IVF and just needs to read the bill. (There is no bill.)
"At a time when we feel so powerless, advocacy and awareness is our strongest tools," Alabama Fertility Specialists said on Facebook.