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The South Carolina senator was brought on stage by former President Donald Trump during his victory speech for the state’s Republican presidential primary on Saturday.
“This is science, Sunny,” Haines told her co-host of "The View."
Donald Trump's only real challenger is refusing to give up hope, to his increasing frustration.
Melody Hoffman’s Apple Watch helped investigators track her location — and showed the moment it stopped tracking her heartbeat.
The Republican front-runner took the stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday.
The former president cruised to victory Saturday, handing Nikki Haley an embarrassing home-state loss and continuing his march to the nomination.
Republicans in the Palmetto State voted Saturday in the presidential primary.
His remarks were in response to a question asked about anti-LGBTQ legislation and the Oklahoma nonbinary student who died earlier this month
Former President Donald Trump is looking to win his fourth straight primary state on Saturday over Nikki Haley in South Carolina.
Johnson has said that life begins "from the moment of fertilization," a statement that would appear to include frozen fertilized embryos.