
Next time you find yourself feeling down, pick one of these ideas and go for it. Odds are good you'll reap the benefits immediately with an increase in your happiness level regardless of the weather.
Most people would be thrilled to wake up from a coma, but Rory Curtis … not so much.
I remember when I got a salad after losing 20 pounds, and the cashier rolled her eyes. I remember losing 50 pounds and being able to hear the click of the seatbelt. I remember losing 80 pounds and being able to wipe myself.
The next time you don't think you have time for exercise, just take a look around at the very busy, dynamic successful individuals out there, from presidents and CEOs to legends like Arnold -- most manage time for exercise and are wise to do so.
A rotavirus vaccine study in which infants received a placebo would never have been permitted in the U.S., and it should not have been permitted in India. The continued conduct of such trials reflects a persistent, troubling disregard for international ethical principles for human subjects research, particularly research involving disadvantaged subjects in the developing world.
The concept is this: Humans evolved on a diet very different from today's eating habits. Therefore, the Paleo proponents argue, to be healthier, leaner, stronger and fitter, we must re-think our diet and remove some of the food groups we consider basic.
Medics removed the lenses from 23-year-old Lian Kao’s eyes only to discover the surface had been eaten away by germs.
Most of reality doesn't matter, but a few things -- in this case choices -- matter a huge amount. In other words, there is a very small number of choices that will determine the great majority of results.
You might think that the United States, with its super-sized portions, absurdly high obesity rate, and uniquely American innovations like the Doritos Locos Taco, is home to the world's most fattening foods. But you'd be wrong!