Fox News

One word in the former president's latest brazen boast did a lot of heavy lifting.
The former White House press secretary gets some scathing reminders about her old boss.
The “Daily Show” host tears into the ex-Fox News host over his fawning trip to Russia.
The son of the former president came up with a wild one during a Fox News interview.
A new survey puts Trump in his place... historically speaking.
The Fox News host thought he was being clever.
The Russian leader wasn't exactly impressed by the former Fox News host.
"The Daily Show" correspondent tackled the Taylor Swift conspiracy theories with her new "Foxsplains" bit.
CNN's Wallace slammed Carlson's "eager puppy" style, and said that calling him a "useful idiot" to Russia would be "unfair to useful idiots."
The Fox News host flubbed while covering the president’s angry press conference after the special counsel ruling.