Democratic Party

While Rep. Adam Schiff said he supports fission energy, fellow Democrats Katie Porter and Barbara Lee took firm stances against atomic power.
In his Farewell Address, the first president warned about the potential threats to American democracy.
Republicans who control the Wisconsin Legislature passed the maps to avoid having the liberal-leaning state Supreme Court draw the lines.
The party’s rightward movement reflects new realities on the border and in public opinion.
Over the weekend, the president scored another big win in South Carolina, where he received about 96% of the vote.
“They don’t have the backbone, the guts, the spine to resist the blandishments of Trump even when they know he’s wrong," Sen. Chuck Schumer said.
"Haley isn’t someone who will inspire an insurrection or who would deny the election," said a Democrat leading a campaign to get crossover votes for Haley.
Democrats can cut into what often appears to be monolithic GOP support on guns, but doing so requires better ways of engaging conservative gun owners.
The California governor had previously criticized his fellow party members for not "doing enough" against the Republican Party.