alexei navalny

Ivan Zhdanov, the director of Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, made the announcement on his Telegram account.
Yulia Navalnaya has pledged to carry on her late husband's cause and slammed Russian authorities this week for refusing to hand over her husband's body.
She said an official told her, "Time is not on your side, the corpse is decomposing."
“Donald Trump’s hero, Vladimir Putin, is responsible for the death of Alexei Navalny,” the Maryland Democrat said.
The body of Vladimir Putin's longtime foe is being hidden, his mother alleged.
Navalny fearlessly opposed Putin and the Kremlin before his death last week while in custody at a Russian penal colony.
National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said that the U.S. had not determined how Navalny had died last week, but insisted that the ultimate responsibility lay with Putin.
Yulia Navalnaya joined the platform on Monday, three days after her husband's death in a Russian penal colony.
"Donald Trump’s statement here is stupid, it’s self-serving, and it is wrong," Alice Stewart said on CNN.
The former House speaker put the ex-president on blast for his fealty to the Russian leader.