
No one wants to raise children who feel entitled, but our overwhelming desire to care for our children sometimes leads us to do things that don't serve them — or us — in the long run.
And what parents can do to encourage a healthy relationship with their body and food.
At least six cases of the highly contagious virus have been confirmed at the school outside of Fort Lauderdale since last week.
Experts reveal what to avoid and what you should use instead.
"I remember thinking that he went to the doctor more than seemed usual, but when I asked if there was a reason why, he quickly changed the subject."
Comparing being a pet parent to raising a kid, for one.
Get your little one excited to celebrate with these sweet and silly stories.
Only-child families are on the rise. So why do so many parents still feel "othered"?
"I couldn’t open my jaw. I was to tell the doctor I fell down the stairs. Mom stayed nearby to make sure I did."
"Yes, I know it’s cold but my kid won’t wear a coat. I am picking my battles. —a parenting memoir"