Jen Psaki Says She Has ‘No Doubt’ About Joe Biden’s ‘Sick F**k’ Slam Of Donald Trump

The president’s reported R-rated ripping of Trump behind closed doors did not surprise the former Biden White House press secretary-turned-MSNBC anchor.

Jen Psaki essentially confirmed a report that President Joe Biden used R-rated and colorful language when slamming former President Donald Trump in private.

“None of it surprised me,” Psaki, a former Biden White House press secretary, said of the report on Sunday’s broadcast of her MSNBC show.

“I’m not condoning it, of course, but there were definitely some Democrats out there who may have felt seen by it,” Psaki added.

Politico reported last week that Biden “has described Trump to longtime friends and close aides as a ‘sick fuck’ who delights in others’ misfortunes.’” Biden also reportedly recently said of Trump, “What a fucking asshole the guy is.”

Psaki, during a discussion with Obama White House Director of Communications Jennifer Palmieri, said, “I have no doubt about this, by the way, behind closed doors.”

It was important to note the context of Biden’s F-bomb slams, she said, and his frustration with Trump’s self-involvement.

Palmieri agreed, calling Biden a “decent person” whose anger over Trump stems from his predecessor’s treatment of others. “But unlike Trump, Biden doesn’t say this out in public,” Palmieri added.

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