Comments on: How to Install Cacti with Cacti-Spine in Debian and Ubuntu Tecmint - Linux Howtos, Tutorials, Guides, News, Tips and Tricks. Fri, 28 Aug 2020 04:16:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ravi Saive Fri, 28 Aug 2020 04:16:41 +0000 In reply to modahda.


We will update the article with the latest instructions, till then stay tuned for updates…

By: modahda Thu, 27 Aug 2020 16:04:58 +0000 It is not working for ubuntu 18, you have to update this tutorial its make peoples confused.

By: James Huff Tue, 14 Jul 2020 19:45:14 +0000 Matel,

Awesome instructions. Thank you.

We wanted to upgrade our older Cacti to a newer version. I am no expert on Cacti or Linux (Debian 9 or 10), but I am learning fast. I performed a MySQL export of all databases from the old Cacti server. I built the new Cacti onto a Debian 9U3 server per the above instructions.

I imported the Cacti database. When caused an upgrade when logging in, expected. The upgrade completed with no errors. We have all of our graph templates, but none of them are showing anything graph wise in the templates.

Can you by any chance take an educated guess at what I may have missed?

Log [Total Lines: 1892 - Admin view - Unfiltered]
2020-07-14 14:40:22 - SNMPAGENT WARNING: No notification receivers configured for event: cactiNotifyDeviceFailedPoll (CACTI-MIB), severity: medium
2020-07-14 14:40:22 - SYSTEM STATS: Time:21.0140 Method:cmd.php Processes:2 Threads:0 Hosts:22 HostsPerProcess:11 DataSources:5015 RRDsProcessed:2361
2020-07-14 14:40:15 - POLLER: Poller[Main Poller] WARNING: Invalid Response(s), Errors[12] Device[FTTx3850StackOneTwo] Thread[1] DS[FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Traffic - StackPort1, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Traffic - StackSub-St1-1, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Traffic - StackSub-St1-2, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Traffic - StackPort2, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Traffic - StackSub-St2-1, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Traffic - StackSub-St2-2, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Traffic - |query_ifName|, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Errors - StackSub-St1-1, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Errors - StackSub-St1-2, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Errors - StackSub-St2-1, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Errors - StackSub-St2-2, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Errors - |query_ifName|] Graphs[FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Traffic - StackPort1, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Traffic - StackSub-St1-1, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Traffic - StackSub-St1-2, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Traffic - StackPort2, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Traffic - StackSub-St2-1, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Traffic - StackSub-St2-2, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Traffic - Tu0, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Errors - StackSub-St1-1, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Errors - StackSub-St1-2, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Errors - StackSub-St2-1, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Errors - StackSub-St2-2, FTTx3850StackOneTwo - Errors - Tu0]
By: Ravi Saive Mon, 08 Oct 2018 10:54:02 +0000 In reply to benyamin.


Use following command to remove Webtatic, EPEL and Remi repository.

# yum remove webtatic-release epel-release remi-release
By: benyamin Mon, 08 Oct 2018 08:52:56 +0000 In reply to Ravi Saive.

How to remove all, please give the command?
