Comments on: 6 Best Modern Linux ‘init’ Systems (1992-2023) Tecmint - Linux Howtos, Tutorials, Guides, News, Tips and Tricks. Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:23:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anirudh Shah Fri, 26 Jul 2024 10:23:02 +0000 OpenRC doesn’t work on my PC, so I only use systemd distros.

By: dragonmouth Wed, 07 Feb 2024 20:49:43 +0000 SysremD is an init that wants be a distro. With each new version of systemd, it makes more and more processes and programs dependent on it.

“easy system management”
Only if you call using all binary log files “easy”. Most other inits use simple text files which can be read easily using any text editor or word processor. To read systemd log files, one needs special programs.

“Clean, straightforward, and efficient design ”
As clean and straight forward as a dog’s broken hind leg. US Tax Code is written more efficiently.

“Concurrent and parallel processing at bootup”
Considering that Linux systems are designed to (and many do) run long periods of time between reboots, what kind of advantage is that? Parallel processing on start-up saves you, maybe, seconds once a month or once a year? How is that an advantage?

“Enables removal of optional processes ”
So do other inits.

“Supports job scheduling using systemd calendar timers ”
All other distros use CRON. Systemd has to be different.

“Storage of logs in binary files ”
Precisely! Files cannot be easily read.

“Better integration with GNOME ”
What good is that if you use another Desktop Environment or just use a Windows Manager?

SystemD is a hopeless kludge that’s been foisted on the Linux community. Popularity does not mean quality. After all, the most used operating system is Windows and we know what kind of mess that is. If Windows was a quality product, most of us would still be using it.
