Comments on: Redo Backup and Recovery Tool to Backup and Restore Linux Systems Tecmint - Linux Howtos, Tutorials, Guides, News, Tips and Tricks. Wed, 20 Mar 2019 19:48:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: dragonmouth Wed, 20 Mar 2019 19:48:28 +0000 In reply to Don Allen.

“Who even uses CD’s anymore??! I don’t think I’ve used the CD unit in this desktop even once in 2 years.”

What an arrogant and condescending statement! That’s like saying “Who uses 32 bit systems anymore”. The answer is, millions of people use CDs, DVDs AND 32 bit systems. Not everybody is able or willing to be on the bleeding edge.

BTW – as you probably know by now, it is moot if Redo works to a USB or not. Redo is no longer.

By: Ravi Saive Fri, 31 Aug 2018 05:35:42 +0000 In reply to Don Allen.


Yes, I too agree on on uses CD or DVD these days, yes the article is outdated and need a udpate. Give me a 2-3 days to update the article with latest information.

By: Don Allen Fri, 31 Aug 2018 01:38:57 +0000 Just tried this on Aug 30th, 2018 and like others have commented, it does NOT work to USB thumb drive. On reboot, it doesn’t do anything and BIOS complains immediately, so not designed for USB booting

Who even uses CD’s anymore??! I don’t think I’ve used the CD unit in this desktop even once in 2 years. No need to, no reason to. Everything goes onto USB drives now for booting so please update your site to include USB drives.

Please update this site with more current and updated INFO.

By: Ravi Saive Wed, 22 Feb 2017 06:35:12 +0000 In reply to SAMUEL ISHOLA.


Thanks for such kind words about me.. Regarding your application, not its not possible to restore older Ubuntu version to newer Ubuntu release. All I suggest you to take the backup of your application and database (if any) and install newer Ubuntu version and restore the application..

By: SAMUEL ISHOLA Tue, 21 Feb 2017 14:52:19 +0000 Hello Ravi, I salute your spirit of positive contributions to human endeavor. We inherited an application that was installed on Ubuntu 8.04 server. The company that supplied is no more in existence. But the application is still very useful. All I want to do now is to install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS or later version. Please can I still make use of Redo-Backup to save the application and setting and still be able to restore the old functionalities?
